The FIRE site blog

Unlocking the secrets to building wealth, achieving financial freedom, and living your dream life

Updates on New Features, Tools and More!

Updates on New Features, Tools and More!

Hello everyone! It's been a busy few months here at We've been brewing up some exciting changes and we are thrilled to finally share them with you. Let's dive right into it!

Making Things Personal: New Account Features

One of the great ones, create your own accounts. With this new feature, you can now save and revisit your retirement reports anytime you want. You can also clone, share, export to Excel, and delete your reports as you see fit. No more starting from scratch every time you visit – your data will be right there waiting for you, ready to be managed as you like. It's like having a personal financial diary!

Play with Possibilities: Our New Investment Simulators

Another cool thing we've added is a set of investment simulators for S&P 500, DOW, and NASDAQ. These tools let you take a hypothetical sum of money, invest it at a certain point in time, and see how much you would have now. It's a fantastic way to see the power of long-term investing and to help plan for the future. Give it a try and see where your financial decisions might lead!

We're Now Mobile-Friendly with PWA was already mobile friendly, but we have gone one step further by turning it into a Progressive Web App (PWA). What does this mean for you? Well, you can now install on your smartphone or tablet, giving you easier access to your financial tools and insights on the go. Not sure how to do it? Don't worry, you can find a handy guide on how to install it on our page. Whether you're in a coffee shop or lounging at home, we're just a tap away.

Our Refreshed Home Page

We've also given our home page a little makeover. Apart from streamlining the layout to make it more user-friendly, you'll probably notice a brand new logo. I wanted a fresh look that better represents our mission here at, and I hope you like it as much as I do. We've also added a Testimonials section, where you can read the wonderful feedback we've received from the FIRE communities on Reddit. Remember, it's all about making your journey to financial independence as smooth as possible!

Join Us on Social Media: We're Now on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter

In our mission to stay connected and keep you updated, we have created our own pages on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. Though we're just starting out, these platforms will serve as additional channels for you to keep tabs on our latest updates and blog entries.

We'll be sharing tips, news, and insights on these platforms regularly. More importantly, these pages are a great way for you to share your feedback and suggestions. Your input is incredibly valuable as we continue to grow and refine So, go ahead and hit those follow buttons!

We've Got Answers and We're Here for You: Introducing FAQ, Contact, and Who We Are Pages

Last but not least, we've added a few handy sections to the site. We now have a FAQ page where you can find quick answers to common questions. The new Contact form is there for you to reach out with any questions or suggestions you might have. And we've also created a Who we are page, so you can get to know me and my passion for helping people achieve financial freedom a bit better.

Wrapping It Up

There you have it! These are the latest updates to I encourage you to check them out, play around with the new tools, and don't hesitate to get in touch if you have any feedback. This is just the beginning, folks! I have plenty of new ideas in the pipeline that I'm excited to start working on. As always, thanks for being part of this journey. Here's to achieving our financial goals together!

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Fresh Ideas for Your Financial Journey